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BNI West LA Chapter

Marketing for Success

A simple look at Marketing Strategy. This is quick 6′  PowerPoint presentation given at my BNI networking group aims at helping owners/managers develop and execute basic marketing management programs. Thank you for your interest.

To view the presentation as a slideshow please click on the slide below.

BNI Business Advantage presentation 08/15/17

Basic Concepts For Successful Brand Development

An introduction to Brand Strategy. This is quick 6′  PowerPoint presentation given at my BNI networking group aims at helping owners/managers define their brand’s strategy and development. Thank you for your interest.

To view the presentation as a slideshow please click on the slide below.

BNI Business Advantage presentation 04/11/17

Finding Your Ethos

A quick overview of my group’s capabilities. This is quick 6′  PowerPoint credentials presentation given at my BNI networking group this week. Thank you for your interest.

To view the presentation as a slideshow please click on the slide below.

BNI Business Advantage presentation 12/06/16

Meet Italy

Successful Brand Development in the time of social media

For all our friends at MEET ITALY, here is a copy of my presentation which was made for the Brainstormers event on Branding and Brand Management. Together with my slides I have also made available some interesting resources regarding online media use around the world, courtesy of Hootsuite.

I hope that you will find this presentation useful. As a simple overview its mission is to explain how to undertake a brand identity study for your company or perhaps to give you some tools that can benefit you in your professional role.

MEET ITALY presentation 12/12/19